Why is the default language not applied for anonymous user in 8.15.2?

Hi I’ve set the default language to Dutch. Changed the language of my OS also to Dutch (if it might be affecting). Now I still see that the page is shown in English why there is a Dutch versioned page and default language is set to Dutch. I even tried to change the language of the current (anonymous) user before opening the page, but that did also not succeed (!). Anyone an idea? PS: I saw the elder posts, I am looking for a more actual answer.   EDIT 1: I haved extended the Project settings/language with Dutch and translated the default home page for anonymous in the Dutch version, so all captions are different in Dutch.
2 answers

Be aware that Mendix doesn’t translate your app. Adding a language is adding a extra library were you can add the translation for all captions, labels, maessages etc.

So when you develop your app in English, add an other language, that library of the added language is still empty.

When empty, the other language will be shown instead.

Take a look at the documentation regarding translation: https://docs.mendix.com/refguide/batch-translate


Same Problem here.

I have 2 Language Models. English and German.

My Default Language is English, but my app LogIn Page always starts in Germin and i dont find the problem
