Data View listening to template grid | Not refreshing as template grid refreshes

Hi, I have a scenario where I have a template grid that displays records of certain status, example ‘Approval1’. On the same page I have a data view that listens to this template grid. As long as the status remains ‘Approval1’ and I move from one record to another in template grid, respective record details are shown in data view. Problem Scenario – Suppose I have selected a record in template grid and details are shown in data view. If someone else updates the same record, the approval status changes to ‘Approval2’ and when 60 seconds refresh cycle happens in template grid, the record vanishes from the template grid as it is supposed to (since it is only showing records of Approval1 status). But the record in data view still remains there. I have tried lot of ways, but I am unable to find a way to refresh data view in this case. Appreciate any help with this. Thanks, Gaurish
1 answers

He Gaurish,

I see the same behaviour in Mx 8.15.2.

After changing the Status of “Second” in another browser, the records disappears from the template grid, but not from the dataview. The dataview is still showing old data.
