Capturing account of logged in user in Native

I was expecting this to be straight forward but can’t get it to work. On a simple native app the user logs in with their credentials. In the Native Mobile navigation profile I have setup the sync using [CabinLive.Issue_Account='[%CurrentUser%]'] and only get the objects belonging to the logged in user. This works as expected. However, I want to capture the name of the current user and commit it to a new Issue object and ‘logged by’ attribute when the user creates one. Below is the logic of my save Nanoflow, however, $LoggedInName/FullName is always empty. I don’t know why as the same logic works in a MF on my web version. Any advice please?
2 answers

Like you say, it should be straightforward. I can't reproduce the issue in one of my projects.

Could very well be an access rights thing. Make sure your user has read and write access on the issue object.


Not a mixup between and account.fullname? A user is not always an account object? Access rights differ on usr and account. Does the account have a fullname? Only name is required in the model.. There should be something amiss in your data or security.
