Empty message in pop up

Hello,  It happens randomly, but sometimes I see a pop up with a missing message.  It is a standard pop up page, with a data view inside (with data source nonpersistable PopUpMessage object) and with a text field (which is string attribute with value filled inside the microflow and passed to this page)  I’ve checked the access rights, and every user has read and write access to this entity and to this attribute.  It is happening randomly.  Can anybody help ? 
2 answers

He Lenka,

Things happening randomly are always difficult. I would start adding some logging, checking on the input Message not being empty ( trim($Message) != ‘’ ). And maybe have someone else check your code :-), it surely helped me in a lot of cases. Sometimes you’re overlooking things someone else notices immediately. From the picture, it looks like you have different pages for the different MessageTypes, maybe there is a difference somewhere in the pages ...


Hi Lenka,

Does your project support multiple languages? In that case based the user language the popup might give them an empty screen because there might not be a placeholder configured for that specific language in Studio Pro.
