MI Dashboard Query

Hi Team,  Hope all doing well and keeping safe! Anybody has any ideas about how to create a dashboard consisting of charts , data cards and widgets in mendix. Please help and if anyone has ny links or resources do share in the post. Thanks in advance.
1 answers

Please visit the Mendix Marketplace to browse a lot of widgets and modules available there to fulfill your requirements. The scenario you described is possible and there are chart widgets available. 
Please see this from documentation to get complete details on charts in Mendix https://docs.mendix.com/refguide/chart-widgets

For data cards, you can probably use some building blocks available inside Studio Pro or just customize the container widget to meet your requirements. Also please see the example projects available when you start the Mendix Studio Pro. There are some projects showing the use of dashboard apps and data cards etc

If you are not familiar with Mendix app development and particularly the UI, then you should explore the documentation and learning paths in the academy to get started with it. I am also sharing some helpful links below


