Could not enable the branch for Mendix Studio

I’m trying to edit a project that was initially created in Mendix Studio Pro and later uploaded to Version Control Server. I clicked "Enable Mendix Studio" in App Settings/General, but after that opening fails with “No Development Line Selected”. I inspected Branch Line Manager and there were no branches there. Then I created “Main line” and “branch” and tried to click “Enable for Mendix Studio”, but this fails with "Could not enable the branch for Mendix Studio" for both branches. I tried studio versions 8.17.0 and 9.0.2.
3 answers

9.0.2 is still beta, so a bug can hold it back. But For 8.17 you seem to be doing the right steps. I have done this for 8.17 and it worked fine:

You should immediately see the text “Enable for Mendix Studio” change to this "Disable for Mendix Studio”.


The problem was caused by TLS handshake failure with because Studio was running on Windows 7 instead of Windows 10



I have got a similiar problem: I created a Mindsphere app with mendix studio pro and now want that i can edit with studio too. I created a branch line but when I want to enable it for Studio I get the following error:

Does anyone now what’s the problem?


best regards
