adding sequence to associated list

Hi, I’m building a shift manager. Therefore I have 2 main entities, “Shift” and “Agents”. A shift can have multiple agents assigned. What I’m trying to achieve is when I create a shift and assign agents to it, I want to be able to define who’s the first agent on the shift, who’s the second agent on shift and so on… This is my domain model so far. I was wondering who I can set the order. Do I need another entity handling the ordering? EG. like this? Thank you for helping me out here. With Best Regards, Sascha
3 answers

Hi Sascha,

You could break the many to many relation by adding an intermediate entity to help you sort the shifts assigned to agents (1-* , *-1) , then you give the agent an assignment which relates to a shift. Assignment has a number to help you determine the order you need.





Hi Sufian,

I am currently working on this project. From the answer above, I understand that your advice is related to sorting shifts.

Our goal is to define which agent is first, second and so on, so we would like to sort agents on the shift.

The current Domain Model looks like this:


Edit Shift is the page where I add agents to the shift.


My idea is that within the Select Users page, next to each of the user, add a drop down button listing the sequences and be able to select a sequence for the user. Something like this:


Your help is really appreciated!

Thank you and regards,



Hi Team,
can you please provide an update on this ?

Thank you!

