What is the url of the login page?

I need to set the constant DeepLink.LoginLocation with the url of our login page.   We are using the Login page from the Administration App Store module (screen shot below) but I have no idea what url the login page ends up having.  
2 answers

Hi Ryan,

Is the URL set in the properties of this page? Setting this would result in something like https://myapp/{url}


See https://docs.mendix.com/refguide/page-properties#2-3-6-url


It looks like your app is using a modeled login page that is accessible to anonymous users. Therefore, by default, you won’t have a direct URL to that page.

You might not need to set that constant. It is only used to redirect a user to log in when they don’t have access to a given deep link. If that’s not a use case for you, then you don’t need to set the constant. If you do, then it can just  be index.html, as long as the LoginPage is the anonymous user’s home page. If it is not, then add a URL in the property in Sjors’s answer and set that URL as the LoginLocation
