How to select a specific tab in tab container?

Hi Team, I am working on product management application.  So on dashboard, I am showing multiple tabs to add, view, edit and delete product requests as shown in screenshot below: So I have created four different buttons: 1. Add Request 2. View Request 3. Edit Request 4. Delete Request So on Add Request button , I am calling action for show a page and I want to show a specific tab ‘Add request’ for buttons. Currently I have set Add Request tab as default tab. So whenever I click on View request button , it is showing me the default tab and not the View Request tab. e.g. If I click on View Request button, I should be able to show a page where I have used tab container and should be able to open the specific tab for View request action. Currently It is only opening the tab which is set as default. But how can I show a specific tab to specific button? Please Suggest and thanks in advance.
3 answers

Hi Kalyani,

Steps to configure Tab Switcher, 

  1. Create a Non persistable entity with one integer attribute.
  2. Place a dataview at the bottom of the page where it has tabs.
  3. Place the tabswitcher widget inside the dataview
  4. Add the class used in the Tab container in the tab class of the widget
  5. connect the attribute to the tab attribute id the widget as shown below.

Then add an activity in the microflows used in the button to create an object for this non persistable entity and update the integer attribute to 0,1,2,3 like this and call the page by passing this non persistable object.


By default when opening a page, the default tab will be opened and cannot be changed using the default settings.

However, this widget helps you to achieve the behavior you need: 


Hi Kalyani,

please consider – in your specific case – to choose a different UI / User interaction pattern.

Tabs are really meant to structure information perspectives,  namely unstructured (otherwise you’d use a data grid with filters). Repurposing a tab for a transaction (with buttons / status information) would come very counter-intuitive for your user community (and I assume your ambition is a very smooth application, correct?)

BR, Boris 
