Import data from excel to mendix

hi guys! has a easier mode to import data from excel to mendix? im use the excel import module but it's a little difficult to a comum user i guess.
6 answers

Hi Jean, 

It will be very easy to use Excel Importer.

The following learning path will guide you



Hi Jean,

As an alternative to using the Excel importer module, you can create a similar approach by creating some manual import logic. To do this, you need to export your Excel to a plain text format such as .csv. You can then create a non-persistent entity in your Mendix model with an unlimited string attribute. You can paste the .csv file in there, and handle the string value from there. You can create some logic to split the string with Java actions such as ‘String split’ supplied by the CommunityCommons module, then commit the created objects.

  1. Export Excel as .csv
  2. Paste the .csv into your Mendix model using a non-persistent entity
  3. Split the string based on the values in your .csv
  4. Commit the resulting list



Hi Martji, 

Just update the page with the available layout. 

You can change the page layout via properties of the page.


I am trying to use the excel importer, however when I import the package I am getting (28) errors. There are two flavors of error


  • The selected layout 'Atlas_UI_Resources.Atlas_Default' no longer exists.Property 'Layout'Page 'ExcelImportOverview'ExcelImporter


  • The selected placeholder 'Atlas_UI_Resources.Atlas_Default.Main' no longer exists.Property 'Parameter' of content for placeholder 'Main'Page 'ExcelImportOverview'ExcelImporter



I am running 9.0.5 of Studio Pro.


I am not finding a way to change the page layout. On each page that has the error, the “Main” is in red with an the error. When I attempt to select Main, I get a dialog that says “Edit Content for Placeholder Main”, with no option for changes.


Thanks for the help, I am very new to Mendix..




Hi Martin,

Select a page (or open the page) and open its properties pane.

You will find the layout options like  responsive, tablet specific, phone specific etc.

You can find the drop down there to select the different layouts.

