How to make users access their own information

Hello! I’m developing a covid-19 app. This app has the following entities: Paciente(Patient), Account, AgendamentoVacina(VaccineScheduling).  I need to create a page where the user fill all his information(Patient entity) in order to create an account. Patient and Account has 1-1 association. I did this: When I try to create a New Patient Account, the Account fields shows disabled:  I checked it and the editability property is setted as Yes. This data view is visible based on the attribute ‘HasAccount’.  How can I solve this problem in order to create accounts and furthermore let users access his own page with his information? I’m new to Mendix, if you can use images to help me I’d be grateful.
4 answers


The problem here is the current users account is not updated to the association correctly. It must be returning an empty object in the data view. You have to retreive and associate the current user’s account with your entity and make sure you mark the association with the permission to read and write. 


Hope this helps!



You can retreive in this way inside a microflow   and once you have the account map this with your patient object. 





Hi   Daniel Almeida,

initialy set the has account value false.

right click Has account and call microflow on change event of Has account.

refer the below image for creating microflow….onle instead of employee you will be taking patient as entity.



Hi Daniel Almeida,

the issue you are facing is so common and most commonly it  occurs due to the permission you have not granted  to the user/paciente. please go to your myfirstmodule and  recheck the enitty access that you have provided the edit , read/write access to the user/paciente. 

