Change container innerHTML onclick

Hi everyone! I’m trying to change the innerHTML of the following container:  This container (Name: container1) is inside a pop-up and has an onclick action. I’m using the action to change the container innerHTML… to do so, I’ve tried this: This code is called by a nanoflow onclick the container. When I click on the container, the action executes but it changes the mother page, in other words, it changes the main page. The following image shows what is happening: How can I change my container inside the pop-up instead of changing the mother page? Thanks in advance  
3 answers

Based on the name of the javascript, it is likely that your goal is to change the background color of the container. Have you tried using dynamic classes? See These allow you to add a class depending on the value of an attribute.



Hi Daniel,

Proved a class name to that container in appearance tab.

in JS use document.getElementsByClassName instead of TagName

hope it will be helpful for you.


Hi Ivo and Javith. I added a class name to the container (“justa”) and wrote the code below.  It works but I got some errors.

But actually I think that dynamic classes would fit properly for me. I want to select a card in the list above and apply a class, highlighting the selected container. I have an entity called PaymentType, with an attribute called WasSelected(boolean). I created two classes inside visual studio(teste2 and teste3): 

How can I apply these dynamic classes? I tried Tim’s suggestion but I guess I don’t got it. I would be grateful if you could help me one more time. Thanks in advance!
