Hi, I am new to Mendix. I want to add a feature in New Edit Page of Entity say ‘x’, which should give option to multi-select another Entity say ‘y’ Objects. Which widget should I use, and which association type is preferable. Another problem is How could I show list of objects of Entity say “x” on overview page of another entity say “y” (“y” object have multiple “x” objects associated with it). also how I could do nesting in data widgets. Thanks
Dherendra Rai
2 answers
hi Dherendra Rai,
you need to have many to one association for entity X and entity Y and select an input reference set selector widget this should resolve your problem
pranjal karaiya
Hi,Dherendra Rai
You can use input reference set selector widget and set the attribute of entity as per your requirement(which will be as per association...you can select association as per your project).Also data grid gives you multi selection mode.