input field validation does not trigger immediately

i have input fields on the form and have setup validation for these fields in the entity. now when i go through these fields on the form, and enter some data ( wrong data), the validation should not allow me to go to next field until  correct data is entered. but that does not happen, instead, it allows to enter field and the error only comes on final submit of data on the form. what needs to be done to trigger the validation immedtialy on the field itself.   I have tried few options of running microflow on change/enter/leave but that does not stop it from going to next field even when the input data is incorrect.    
3 answers

You could add onchange nanoflows that are doing a validation and that show validation feedback.


This would be a really complex setup, with lots of conditional editabillty statements on your inputfields.

Like a statement on fieldB like if $currentObject/fieldAIsValid

On fieldC $currentObject/fieldBIsValid and you need to keep these booleans updated everytime you enter or leave an inputfield.


Thanks for the responses, i got this resolved by running a microflow that only refreshes the object , but only on that widget and non-blocking . below is a screenshot, i run the flow on leave and on press enter key.

This validates the field and gives a validation message immdly, so at least the user now know its entered incorrectly.

