Email Template - Retrieve List of Users from Entity

Hi, I am trying to setup an email template placeholder, which references a list of users from one of my entities inside the body of my email, instead of one single user/object from my entity.    I believe this part is done through EmailTemplate.ReplaceEmailTemplateTokens Java Action within the Sub_CreateAndQueuedEmail. However, it will only allow me to pass one object through this part. It will not allow me to pass the list of users within this action, is there any way to accomplish this? Thanks
2 answers

That is true, incase you have a list to replace the token value then you can use a different token instead of the standard one, for example @userlist in your email template and process the value of that token separately in your microflow.


Hi Shreyash,

Thanks for your reply. Can you show me an example please? As the Token List does not allow me to reference my user list from within?

As it is not of type list from mxmodelreflection.token? Sorry if I am understanding this correctly.

