Cant change the name of the App!

This might be something super dumb, but I just started a business systems class at uni which uses Mendix. I created my first App, but the name of the App is ‘App’ . I want to change the name, but I can’t for the life of me! I try to double click it, I went under settings but all I see is configuration and run time options. This is so frustrating. Anyone can help? Thanks
2 answers

Hi Pedro Toscano,

1) Click the project dashboard which is located in the top right corner of your studio pro.


2)  Click General Settings in the left sidebar.

3) Click Edit App Info 

4) Change or edit your app name in this below input field.

5) And finally, click Update Settings at the bottom.


Hope it helps!


Vignesh Rajan.



Thank you so much!!!!
