Hello! I’m working on a project and a colleague decided to make a branch and perform some fixes and new implementation ideas, without changing the structure of the main line project. I want to check his progress, and I want to enable it for Mendix Studio Pro, so that I can run it on my computer as well. All I get though is this message, has anyone encountered anything similar? Thanks!
Konstantinos Petridis
2 answers
Hi konstantions,
This happens on Window 7 because Internet Explorer does not support newer algorithms. I didn't mange to patch IE, but I installed a two-side TLS proxy for repository.api.mendix.com and now it works
have look on this ticket https://forum.mendix.com/link/questions/104745
hope it helps!!
Narendran Jaganathan
In this case I would follow the instructions in the error – if it doesn't work in a few minutes, contact support. They should be able to find out in more detail what's going on and help you resolve the issue.