How to debug a deployed app

I'm deploying the Mendix app on an on-premises environment (windows server 2019). I set Enable Debugging on the Mendix Service Console and completed the connection settings on the Debugger tab in Studio Pro, but I don't know how to use the debugger. I think Studio Pro breakpoints are local, but are they also valid for apps deployed on the server?
2 answers

Hi Keiichi, 

Right-click the activity and select Enable breakpoint or in the Debug windows in Breakpoints tab by check-in the microflow to debug. Attached screenshot for your reference. Hope this is useful.



The breakpoints are in effect for whatever you connected your studio pro to, so if you’ve successfully connected your debugger to your environment, it will use those breakpoints. Important to note is that all breakpoints you’ve added before connecting remote will be disabled (not removed – they’re still there as a red dot outline) and any new breakpoints you add are added disabled. Both of these can be enabled via right-click → enable breakpoint.
