do we need to use calypso in latest version of mendix (version 9)

do we need to use calypso in latest version of mendix (version 9)
1 answers

You don't need Calypso anymore in Mendix 9 and Atlas 3.

Chapter 5.1:

Mendix monitors the file system in the theme and themesource folder for changes in the .scss files. When a change is detected, the .scss files are compiled to CSS and the app is automatically reloaded (if it is running), so no additional tooling is needed.

You don't need Calypso anymore in Mendix 9 and Atlas 3.

Chapter 5.1:

Mendix monitors the file system in the theme and themesource folder for changes in the .scss files. When a change is detected, the .scss files are compiled to CSS and the app is automatically reloaded (if it is running), so no additional tooling is needed.
