Two drop-down in two different Data View on the same page

Hi Mendix, I have to display 2 dropdown on the same page (they have attributes of different entities in them, so I have to insert them into two different Data Views). Then, I tried to insert these two Data Views inside the parent Data View (Body entity), but the dropdowns do not appear on the page. There is no direct association between QuoteQeneralData and PolicyDurationInfo. I also tried with the Reference selector, but it didn't work. Any suggestion? Best regards!                 EDITED:  
3 answers

You may use Reference Selector->SelectableObject→ and can choose microflow which can return you the desired list of the object and in this way I hope you will able to solve it. 


Hi Petar,


Change data source from Association to Data Source Microflow where you can create new entity and return. 

Double check the visibility conditions as well along with Access rules.

Hope this helps. Accept the answer if its helps .

Thank You.


You should be able to create a page without a page parameter, and then add data views for each entity. If you use one of these two options, you can then retrieve the entities you need:

