Copying data between entities - Cannot select and grab correct data

Hi I have a Local Mendix Database reading from a SQL Database on a SQL server instance which is synchronising records  between the 2 databases using the Database Replicator. I have a datagrid that displays the records sychronised  in the local database in an Entity called CustomerData which users use to select a Customer from this database. I have another entity called CreditApp where users use to capture Credit applications. They will select the Customer and pull the data from the Customer into the Credit App automatically with out recapturing the Customer details. The process:  When the user has searched for the Customer and highlighted the one to select, I have a microflow that retrieves the data from the database to get the objects and copy the attributes, they push this button after the user has highlighted the customer. The microflow: retrieves objects from the Customer database, commits the data, creates a New Credit App Object, uses the AttributeCopy Java action to copy data from the Customer to Credit App, I do a change on the Object to map the data to my Credit App attributes, then I display the Credit App Page with the copied data which works. The issue: When the user selects the customer and selects the microflow, the data shown is not the customer selected but the first record of the stored Customer in the Local Mendix Database. How do I retrieve the details of the Customer highlighted.    Image links attached. Customer Table Microflow Credit App   Thank for your help in advance  
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