Conddition for visibility (buttons)

Hi Mendix. Does anyone know how to make the buttons invisible until the user selects values from dropdowns (or disable buttons - disable during action)? I tried to set the buttons outside the data view but I am unable to set the condition for visibility.   Another thing: is it possible to add a sign (for example dollar, euro) next to the enumeration value in the drop-down?               EDITED:  
1 answers

If you want your button to be visible / invisible depending on one value (your dropdown value), then you need to put that button in the same dataview as your dropdown, and put it’s visibility according to the value :


For your second question, you can add a text next to the dropdown (with some css you should be able to put it next to it), if you want the sign to appear inside the dropdown, I would probably change the dropdown enumeration to include the sign directly
