Hi team, We are building a shift manager, reference https://community.mendix.com/link/questions/105437. Therefore I have 3 main entities, “Shifts”, “Users” and “Pins”. A shift can have multiple users assigned. Our goal is to define which user is first, second and so on, so we would like to sort users on the shift. The current Domain Model looks like this: Edit Shift is the page where I add users to the shift. My idea is that within the Select Users page, next to each of the user, add a drop down button listing the sequences and be able to select a sequence for the user. Something like this: Your help is really appreciated! Thank you and regards, Florian
Florian Puci
2 answers
My question is how can I add the sequence number next to agent’s name after agents have been added to the shift ?
Florian Puci
I tried to add the Sequence number as an attribute while creating the agent’s profile:
But that is a static solution, we need a dynamic solution for our project.
With this said, while the sequence number was defined in the agent’s profile, the agent couldnt have a sequence number on one shift, and a different sequence number on another shift.