How to pass the information of one entity to another page

I need to save the information of two different entites. I have two pages and I need to write the information of the first entity and commit it and then the same for the other one. I do it with a microflow that commit the information and create the other entity object and show the entity’s page. This works okay but when I show the second I need to put a referente selector to pick the information about the first entity. The two entities are relationated between a 1.1 asociation and I don’t know how to let the information of the first entity to the page using no reference selector and knowing that the object that I pass to the page is the entity object, anyone knows that? Thanks for your time
4 answers
  1. You should pass to your microflow the first entity as object
  2. Create within the microflow another object of entity2.
  3. Then you change the object2 using the Parameter(object1)
  4. Pass the Object2 to the page

Screen shot depicting adding the parameter, which the workflow will pass to the page



I have Caracterizacion_Proceso_Automatizacion_RPA that is the second entity and Projecto_2 that is the first one. All I want to do is opening a new page that show all data about the second entity but i don’t have to do a reference selector to choose the fist entity, because I have a 1-1 association between then, I need to save the new data without chosing the first entity, it hass to do automatically


You need to pass the second entity object through the microflow. In your show page event, select a new page and in that event, select the object to pass. Press Select page and click new. A new page will be created with the parameter


