How can I use marketplace modules that depend on Atlas UI Resources?

New user here. I’ve been trying to get onboard Mendix for a few days. Having made some lightweight demos I wanted to move onto making something a bit more useful by incorporating the Excel Importer marketplace module. This brought me to the realization that most marketplace modules (including many of the default templates) rely on the module Atlas_UI_Resources. Every time I try to spin up an app, it comes with Atlas_Web_Content. From what I can understand so far Atlas_Web_Content is Atlas 3 whereas Atlas_UI_Resources is Altas 2.  Seems that trying to install them both breaks everything  (1337+ errors) most of which go “….proprty Spacing Bottom does not exist….”. On the other hand deleting Atlas_Web_Contents to try and leave only Atlas_UI_Resources also seemed to cause errors – and is apparently un-undoable so I had to delete the local app project and redownload my app from the Team Server just to get back to where I’d started from. Given that starting a new app seems to inevitably give me a clean project with Atlas_Web_Contents, how do I go about actually using any of the useful marketplace modules? I can’t see myself using Mendix over other products without some of these modules. Also, I dont know who I’d address this to but many of the templates (even the default start templates) cannot be run from within Studio Pro (9.3.0 at least) because Atlas_UI_Resources is missing. Was I not supposed to use this latest version of Studio Pro? The download page and basic documentation made no mention of it however...  
2 answers

We’ve experienced the same problem with some modules, the only way we found was to check all error list, open every page or file that uses the faulty atlas theme, and changed it to another theme, this solved the errors, since the app store modules are from third-parties, they’re not all optimized and updated regularly.


There are some problems on adding modules on mendix projects, that doesn’t state exactly if it is compatible with another and so on. The only way is add one module, check if there are errors, if not, just commit and keep going. Try add other module, check if errors and go eliminating that. As stated before, the only way is the hard way, change layout problems found and see if that helps.
