Error message is too long to read.

My project cannot compile because there is some kind of error with the theme. However, I cannot read the error because it is too long and the error pane doesn’t appear to have any kind of a scroll bar, or a way to copy the error and paste it into notepad. I can’t even get a hint because all I can see are several Deprecation Warnings with some code that came with Atlas. How do I read my error? Using 9.3.0
1 answers

Hi Nolan,

finally I fixed the problem, the Warning is just a warning, not the actual error.

I managed to get to the bottom by “selecting the error” and then Ctrl+c and paste it to your favorit Notepad/++ (ctrl+v)

Inside Notepad, I was able to see the whole error messages. The message comes after all the warning messages being printed. For me, it was an undefined variable in custom-variables.scss because I was migrating theme from Atlas2 to Atlas3, somehow I was still using the old file, and there are several new variables that are used in Atlas3 but were not exists in custom-variables from Atlas2.
