Get the enumeration name of an entity

I have an entity called project and inside it I have an enumeration called Area. I create another entity and I named it Area with its enumeration as an attribute. Now, I want to attached all the areas but I don’t save them like an Area, I save them like a Project. I don’t know how to get them like an enumeration of an entity...
2 answers

Based on your new comment, if you simply want to copy information from one entity to the other, do the following in a microflow:

  • Retrieve the entity you want to copy the attribute of (let's call it $Entity)
  • Add a “Create object” action for your new object (let's call it $NewObject)
  • Fill the create object action with the correct attributes. For your enum, make sure the Enum attribute is filled with $Entity/YourEnumAttribute.

Your case appears to me as more of an association rather than enumeration. Shouldn’t you actually have  one entity called project, another entity called area and they have one to one association. Now you can associate this area entity with  the another entity  as well( the second entity you mentioned).

However, if you are keen on keeping it as enumeration, the solution mentioned by Eline above would work
