Online Textile Shop Management

Online Textiles Shop Management I. Admin : - Add BranchManager, floormanager - Report Consolidated branchwise report (Excel Export) II. BranchManager : - Add FloorManager to under their own Branch [Use Xpath] - Add each floor & mapping to respective own floormanager. [1 floor can be mapped in only one FloorManager] - Report Consolidated Floorwise report (Excel Export) III. FloorManager: - Add all readymades, image, dress materials, stock, price details (Excel import) - Report own Floor report (Excel Export) - Date wise report generation [Some periodical between two days] IV. Customer - Signin to their own interest - View all readymade items & cost - Add to their cart [Own Account cart] - Report to their purchased items & consolidated bill amount (Excel Export) Try to must use the following things., Excel Export - Grid view format data Using snippets Use Proper domain model & association, Auto suggestion widgets, Reference selector/Set selector, Xpath condition [BranchManager, FloorManager, Customer views or access to their respective data only] Validation Rules
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