3 Level Data

Hello, I want to create a 3 level data. For example Country->State->City , I have these 3 entities. I create Country as standalone entity. I want to create State by selecting country from Dropdown and then create City by selecting Country and State. I want to have Country and State as 2 drop downs when I am creating City. Please help.
7 answers

Can you show how you built it so far? You should be able to use constrained reference selectors for this. Please include a picture of your domain model (with these 3 entities) and the pages in Studio Pro :)


Add an association between “City” and Country” and you should be able to do this by using a constrained reference selector :-)


One way to do this:

  1. Make a page where you show a data grid of countries (with a “new” button to create a new country)
  2. Add a “Listens to” dataview next to it (e.g. in a layout grid) that listens to the data grid of countries. In it, show a data grid of all the states in this country (by association / database / xpath). Add a “new” button to this to create new states. Make sure that either when creating the object or committing the object, the association to country is set.
  3. Add another “listens to” dataview that listens to the data view of states in which you show a data grid of all cities. Add a new button to this to create new cities. Make sure that when creating or committing the object, the association to state is set.

This is working fine


But this is not ,


This is what I want to implement, please help.


Domain Model:

Country Creation


State Creation

For City creation: Here I have challenge I am not able to get Country here as a drop down as I see no entity after State.So when I create City I want to select country first from the dropdown and the relavent states will appear and then I enter the city in the text box.


