Why is it not possible to inherit from HttpResponse

I know, stupid questions do not exist. Maybe is not stupid then but just silly :-) I’ve just learned that I can use HttpResponse to set the StatusCode of the response, which is great. That made me wonder if all my REST services should use HttpResponse. I then found out that I’m not able to set HttpResponse as the generalization of response object of me service. I also see that adding a HttpResponse object to the REST services MF does not require the definition of an input object in the REST service. Apparently this HttpResponse object is something special. Can anybody explain how I should see the HttpResponse object and why I can not use that object as a generalization? Or maybe point me to documentation on this subject?
2 answers

Hi Toon

Depends on what you are planning to do. The HttpResponse entity is indeed a pretty ‘general’ Entity, but at the same time very flexible as well. I don’t think there are specific use cases where the HttpResponse is used in Generalization. What you’d often want to do when working with REST-calls, is creating Mendix Entities and apply Import and Export mapping. That way, your REST-call reply will always be easily accessible in Microflows: you can treat them as a Mendix Entity with the appropiate properties.

More information on this @ 

Hope this helps

Kind regards,



What would you like to achieve by using HttpResponse as a generalization?

If you have a microflow that returns an object or list and you want to set the status code or add headers, you can add a HttpResponse parameter to the microflow.
