DeepLink 404 error when object is not found - Is it possible to change this behavior?

When the object is not found, the user gets to see an empty page with a the message 404 Not Found. Is it possible to change this behavior? For instance, would it be possible to show the user a different page (with the possibility to search on objects for instance) and a different, more friendly error message?
2 answers

Your screenshot shows a default 404 page from the webserver nginx.

In Mendix you can create custom error pages, like 404.html. Read more here:

Be aware of the pre-requirements. If you want to change this in your nginx, read this:


Please check the folder resources\deeplink in your project. You can use these files for a different 404 error message.

Although, currently you have a 404 from nginx, it looks like the 404.html is not in your resource folder or you are using a wrong url.
