Im downloading my app, but it keeps going to the wrong path when I ran it. Im getting this this error when I try to find the app in Show App Directory In Explorer

Here is the error I get when I click to “Show App Directory In Explorer” in Mendix Studio Pro under App.
5 answers

Do you have the right local permissions? Possibly the policy of your company blocks running or write actions in your directories.


Your documents folder is in OneDrive, and your app is inside the documents folder. Can you try a directory outside OneDrive? Your app is already in team server, so it doesn’t have to be in OneDrive as well.


OneDrive or similar is not recommend for Mendix projects. Is your Mendix project folder locked by the sync process? Please move the project to an internal, fixed location. Because you’ve a versioning system and keep it updated, you don’t need an other sync tool.


The project is in my local machine. I’m opening it on my local, but when I try to access it through Mx Studio pro in “Show App Directory In Explorer”. It takes me to a different location. I deleted the location it was taking me to before, so I started getting that error. 


I even tried to delete the project on my machine and redownloaded again from Mendix and still get the same error.
