Team Server commit so slow

I just added an excel importer module from Marketplace. And it took more than 1 hour to tell me it failed to commit to the Team Server (SVN protocol) ? And another hour to fail again ??? Studio pro version 8.18.1  
2 answers

Just that single project? Do others commit like they used to? FYI, committing works fine for me in each of the projects, Mx8.12 and 9.4. No problems reported on

Two work-arounds:

  • Make you cell-phone a wifi-hotspot and connect your laptop to it. Then commit.
  • In project explorer (App explorer), right click the project name => “Exoprt app package” and send them that package via mail or so.

Hop either one works for you



Thank you Tim for the reply.

I think it’s not only a network issue for me (I’m connecting to Team server from China mainland, but via a proxy server in the Netherlands), but also related to the svn protocol over https. Because I tried with another mendix project with another hosted svn server environment and it was also super slow..

However downloading from Team Server is relatively fast.

Still struggling to make it work.. my remote team is waiting for my commit..
