Create an attribute that gives you the posibility to choose its values

I need to do an attribute that have the option of adding new values anytime (via a new object page). After that I need to have a widget that gives you the posibility of choosing one of the values that the attribute has. I thought that I could do it with an enumeration but with this option the values are always the same ones and you can’t add some many other ones.
7 answers

You should be able to use a reference selector for this – it does mean that you need an association between the entity that holds your “options” and the entity with the attribute you're trying to fill.


I have two entities, Proveedor is the one that I use to save all the values that I want to have and Projecto is the one that I really use for the other activities. Then when I try to create a reference selector inside a page I can’t see the asociation betwen Projecto and Proveedor to chose the Name atribute from Proveedor



The owner of the association should be the Projecto , that's mean many projecto have one Proveedor ,else you want to select multiple Proveedor then should be many to may relation and also the owner should be the Projecto and you must use input reference selector widget  , for sure that will works for you.


This photo


hi Alvaro,

It can be done using reference selector only ,you need to give many to one association between proveedor and Projector 

projector should be many and proveedor should be one then just take the reference selector in the data view you issue will be resolved 


  see this what the domain model should look like  

 the ownership of the relationship should be the other side

like this


i add the value test1 and test2 and test3 and test4 to the proveedo table

and that the result i hope it will help you

i added the value using this page


and that how i retrieve them using reference Selector

if you want to use microflow as selector datasource your microflow should look like that


Now I tried to set a reference selector with a microflow. The microflow gives you a list with all the values of the Proveedor’s entity, but I have two errors because I return a list, not an object… Any idea? 
