A data view with page parameter as data source can only appear on a page.

Fellow Mendix Engineers, During the intermediate learning path “Create an App with Advanced Page Building” at part 4.5 Finishing up, I run into an error (CE0477) : A data view with page parameter as data source can only appear on a page. The issue is caused within a snippet by a Data view which has context source and page parameter.   Image below: the dataview settings. Searching through the online documentation, I was unable to find a solution or any hints on this error. Is there anyone who might ran into this issue and knows how to fix? Much appreciated, Johannes
1 answers

Snippets are reusable page components within Mendix.

You must set the entity that you use within snippet at the top, refer image below

Once you set the entity, then there is no need to have data view within snippet. You can use the attributes directly with appropriate widgets. 

Remove your data view with in snippet and put the attributes within dataview directly. 

When you call a snippet from a different page, then you call it from within dataview, datagrid, template grid or list view for that entity.

Hope this helps. Happy learning
