Mendix Studio Pro 9.1.1 installation

Dear All, I have installed Mendix Studio Pro 9.1.1 version. Installation is successful. However in the sign in window, I am unable to put my credential and sign in. It is not activated/not letting me enter any text? What could be the reason? is there any 
3 answers

Have you tried closing the other instance of MX studio?


Check if you are able to login on the Mendix website. Then try removing/uninstalling the Studio Pro and restart PC. Then download your desired version from the Marketplace and install it again. 
If it does not work, then contact Mendix Support and submit a request


This is a known bug with some graphics cards.  What worked for me:

  • Click in the username field and type your username.  You won't see any characters.
  • Minimize the login window and make it normal size again
  • You should see your username in the field
  • Do the same thing with password
  • Click the login button

Took a few tries to work for me, but I finally got it to work.

Reference this forum post for more info:

Hope that helps.
