List of the names of an entity via microflow

Hi everyone, I want to have a pop up that shows a list of the names of an entity via microflow. Anyone knows how to do it? Thank you for your attention.
3 answers

Hi Alvaro,

If I got you correctly, do you want to show the names of the entities inside your domain modules? If yes you can use the Reflection Module which will allow you to reflect your modules entities and store them inside MxObjectType table, which you can retrieve and view inside your list.


Hi Alvaro,

This can be done by using the MxModelReflection module from the app store. This provides the representation of all entities, associations, attributes and microflows.



You would need to build a microflow with a Retrieve action to get a list of the entity in question. You then pass this into a Show Page action. On the page you are showing, use a popup layout, and add either a data grid, list grid, or template grid that takes a list of the entity as a parameter. In this grid, you can use a widget such as Text to show the content of the Name attribute.

Hope this makes sense. Good luck!
