Calling a microflow to show a page using REST Deeplink?

Hi all, I am working on a workflow application where I want to use deeplinks when informing users of their tasks. I could only find the REST Deeplink module in the MarketPlace. My problem is that the REST Deeplink module only appears to be able to redirect to a specific page (by returning an HTTP 303). There is no way (that I know of) to set the URL location to call a microflow. When working with the workflow tooling, every step in the workflow has its own page for the user task. Opening a request in a workflow can be done with a microflow action ‘Show user task’ opens the request in the page corresponding with the status of the request.    So, in short, how do I call a microflow to show a page using the REST Deeplink module? Any help is greatly appreciated.
1 answers

Did you see the regular deeplink module: ?

Because that one is I think better suited for what you want to do. You could use a parameter for the task ID so you can use that to directly open the task.



