Language Selection for picking the date

Hello everyone, We have a requirement to choose the date in English. We need to know if we can see the days and months in English. And our default language is German. We can’t go with the change in language, as we are using the other functionalities which matches German language. So, I want to know if there is any widget which provides us the option for the language selection while showing days and months or is there any other way where we can see English months and days without changing the language?? Thanks in advance.
1 answers

Hello Traividya,

I am not sure of the exact solution to show only the month in English Language when the default language is German. Until you get a better answer from someone else, can you try this workaround.

Use custom Date Picker widget from the App Store and let users input the Month by typing the Month Number instead of selecting which takes care of the language part by eliminating language as it doesn’t involve showing the Month in MMM format and just the number in MM so that it takes care of the language?

I know this is not the answer you are looking for, still you can give a try before getting an answer that fits best
