Will Mendix ever support the new Macbooks with ARM processor?

Will Mendix ever support the new Macbooks with ARM processor? I don’t care to use Parallells but that is also not working at the moment with a new Macbook Pro   :-(   I remember from many Mendix Keynotes and Webinars that a lot people working at Mendix are also Apple (Macbook) fan-boys.
4 answers

Good news regarding running Studio Pro on Apple Silicon Macs, such as the M1.

Studio Pro is enabled and tested to run on all Macs using Parallels 17 and Windows 11 for the following versions:

  • Mendix 8 LTS: 8.18.14 and higher
  • Mendix 9 MTS: 9.6.5 and higher
  • Mendix 9.9.1 and newer.


If you have questions, feel free to reach out.


I hope so, because more Macs will be developed using the M1 chip and thus require an ARM version of everything. However, I was wondering if it is possible to use Docker to run Mendix. Isn’t a virtual machine as well?


The sad thing is that Mendix even doesn’t support Windows ARM. That would solve a few issues. Although you would not ever use the full potential of the M1 processors.

If you look at the release calendar of MxWorld https://docs.mendix.com/releasenotes/mx-world-2021/ you don't see any hints which state otherwise.

But if the guys at Mendix need a beta tester, I am all in ;-)



The reality is that MacOS has a 15 percent market share on the Desktop OS market. In addition, enterprises generally favor Windows laptops for most of their business users. And most MacOS users who work with Mendix are either not tech savvy enough for Studio Pro or tech savvy enough to use Parallels. So there is little incentive to develop a Studio Pro version at this time.

Luckily Studio Pro is written in C# and targets the .NET platform so as Microsoft offers more options for .NET apps on MacOS, the day that you can run Studio Pro on a Mac might be getting closer.
