Mendix Studio Pro on 17 screen laptop vs. 14

Hi, I am currently working on a laptop with a 14” screen size (1920 x 1080 resolution) and I find the screen too small to work efficiently mobile with Studio Pro. So I am thinking about purchasing a 17” laptop with a resolution of 3840 x 2160 (UHD). Does anybody has experience with a 17” screen? Will I be able to display the “typical 4 zone view”? Best Regards, Henning
2 answers

I run a Macbook Pro with a 15.4 screen running at 2880x1800 and find that OK. I also use external 27inch monitors running 3840x2160 when not on the move and that is great.

The latest version of Mendix 9 also lets you undock windows out of Studio Pro so you can run them across multiple monitors.

Hope this helps.


Thanks Robert for your input. With this I am confident that the 17” screen should work out for me.
