Display Name in the Email Body

Hi, I would like to do something as per below : We have a form to get the data from employee and the data will be expired in two weeks. We would like to display all employee names which the data that has expired. For example, there is 3 names (A, B and C) and the data will be expired on 20/11. On 20/11, if all the three names did not take any action, their name will be sent to their HOD for the reminder. In the email, we would like to do something like this :   
2 answers

Hi ,

We can get this work with help of a non persistable entity. Create an entity with Student Name and Hod as string Attributes. Under place holder for template configuration add these as tokens. Do small changes in sendng an email flow as screen shot below.

Note: Do MxModel Reflection after adding an entity.

Find the Screen shots for reference. Hope this helps.


There's a post from a while ago, that has all the steps you need. Have a look at:

