Using two independent reference selectors

Hi all, I have a model, where suppliers supply several sites. They are all stored under the entity ‘Partner’. When the supplier is logged in, the company name for <shipping from> should be given but he should be able to choose the company name for <deliver to>, and vice versa for the site admin. I managed to implement this for the <shipping from> part via reference selector and a microflow, that retrieves the association for the partner name of the supplier.  But as the association is already set then, it’s not possible to change the 2nd reference selector without influencing the first one.  Is it possible to get a dropdown for all partner entities, when the reference DeliveryNote_Partner has already been created in the first place?   Domain Model Administration:   DeliveryNote Creation page:
1 answers

In this case, you need two associations between DeliveryNote and Partner: one from DeliveryNote to the "shipping from"-partner, and one from DeliveryNote to the “Delivery To"-partner. That way, the Delivery Note can remember both references, and distinguish between the two. You can change the name of the references to keep them apart, for example name the first DeliveryNote_Partner_ShippingFrom and the other DeliveryNote_Partner_DeliveryTo.

Good luck!
