How do I send verification mail to registering user in mendix?

I want to send email verification while registering the user and also a welcome mail who has successfully registered.
2 answers

You can start by downloading the email module from the store, there is some documentation there on what you have to do to implement it. It's called: "E-mail module with templates".
Hope that helps! You can start by downloading the email module from the store, there is some documentation there on what you have to do to implement it. It's called: "E-mail module with templates".
Hope that helps!


I recently added a module that’s a wrapper around SendGrid. I’m curious for feedback from the Mendix Community, so if possible leave your feedback here.
Compared to the E-mail module with templates you need to setup the email body yourself.

A feature I really like is SendGrid enabling you to check a deliverability report which is really nice.
It’s also possible to subscribe on events for email deliverability status so you can keep a close eye on emails not arriving.
It’s possible to send 100 emails a day for free, so hopefully it’s helpful for people running a POC or are currently in the ‘start’ phase. 
