Can we add Enumeration in login page.

Hy, I am creating a login page, by turning anonymous user on. And I used default login Id text box and Password text box.  I want to add Enumeration but its shows error.
2 answers

What is the goal of this enum?

  1. An enum must always be linked to an attribute and an attribute is always part of an entity. 
  2. When you want to set a enum value of a attribute, you need an object of en entity.
  3. To be able to select an enum value, a dropdown or radio button widget must be placed inside a dataview with context of the entity. 
  4. The datasource of the data view can be several, depending on where and how the page is opened containing the dataview; 


Thus if you want to be able to select an Enum value, the sign-in page should have a dataview, connected to an entity, which contains an attribute of type enumaration.


BUT; why do you need it? After login a new session starts, which doesn’t have access to the object displayed in the dataview with the anonymous session. So first define the usecase and tackle this before creating a page, with dataview etc.




Enumeration as in Specific log in users?

you can try creating a new Entity and generalise it with existing account entity and update the field with the enumeration cakye
