How to Compare login id of user with enumeration values? and also, how we can filter template grid records with the same login id (string) to display records of only respective user ?

How to Compare login id of user with enumeration values? and also,  how  we can filter template grid records with the same login id (string) to display records of only respective user ? Need to add dropdown in which add enumeration of login ids
3 answers

I believe that what you’re trying to is to filter the list of records based on who created it.

If so, then you will need to go to the entity in your case it’s LogTicketingDetails, and you will need to select the owner checkbox to tell Mendix to store a reference to the user that created this record.


After that, you will simply need to add a dropdown search field, and select the username of the user “Name” from the Owner.





Note: If the user that you want filter is not necessarily the one who created the record then you will need to add an association between LogTicketingDetails and Account entity. You’ll need to do the same thing that you did, but instead of selecting “Name” from Owner, you’ll need to select it from the association that you created. Don’t forget to set the association between LogTicketingDetails and Account, so that you’ll actually get data.


Maybe not relevant to your app, but it is a security-risk to have the login as a dropdown, since you are giving away the userid-part of the authentication. Having said that, Nicole is right for your textbox:

'You are logged in using ' + getCaption($YourEntity/loginid) + '.'

Mind you: getCaption gives you the translatable text of the enumeration. This kind differ if you switch to another language.



Could you please share the screenshot of the page structure ?
