Date Range visibility

Hi guys, Does anyone know how to appear a group box with visibility date range? For example, I submit a form and select the end period date on 14th February 2022. The box will appear a month before the end period which is on  14th January 2022. For now, I used the below condition, but it will appear for only one day. I want to show the box for a month, so I can update it from (14 Jan to 13 February)
2 answers

Maybe use the ‘greather then’ > and ‘smaller then’< signes in your query.

if beginofcurrentDate > addmonths(currentObject/EndOfPeriod,-1) and beginOfCurrentDate < CurrentObject/EndOfPeriod

the query now says it should be visible if the currentday is between endOfperiod – 1 month and endOfPeriod.


Well does this help?

BeginOfCurrentDay < $currentObject/EndOfPeriod and
addMonths($currentObject/EndOfPeriod, -1) <= BeginOfCurrentDay 

