Mismatch input <EOF> expecting (

Hello Support, I am a newbie and I am facing an issue with custom validation for a dropdown/enumeration input. In my dropdown value, I want to show validation if the user select “Select” from the drodown, before saving the form. I use this custom expression ($value != Select) but it gives error. Please see the screenshot.   please let me know how to enable validation for select value using custom expression.
6 answers

It is an enumeration so you need to put it like this:

$value != MyFirstModule.ccw_end_customer.Select


The format for using any enumeration values in expression is <ModuleName>.<EnumerationName>.<EnumerationValue>


Hi Vichitra,

What do you want to validate?

It’s not clear what do you mean with Select (is this the completed text for the empty option??

Do you want to check whether the user selects an item from the dropdown list?

In that case your custom validation can be set on $Value != empty





Hi Shreyash,

Can you also let me know how to print a single form value that I have entered in the previous form on a new one page?

Ex: I have a form with some input fields approx 8 fields. I want to print the entered value of 2-3 fields on the next page also. How can I acheive that.

Please let me know


Hi Shreyash,

I did the same but nothing works. Let me try again.

  1. on create button I have added a microflow see screenshot 


2 . see my microflow


  1. see the last one where I want to fill the data I have entered in previous form step 1.

see the properties on the datagrid assigned. 


let me know


Hi Shreyash,

I am able to retrieve the selected value from the previous page to the new page But again the further issue is, it is showing as a dropdown, and I want to print it as a page title.  Please see the screenshot.

Image 1, encircled in red is the entered value on the previous form.

Image 2, the previously selected value is showing now on the new page encircled in orange color. But I want to display that as a Label or page title replace Items text :) 

Any Help, please 

and many thanks Shreyash to help me out on the various issues fixing.


Hi Shreyash,

One more guidance is needed.

OK, so the question is on the add button I want to store the entered value inside the entity and the same needs to be added in the table list as well. But the main thing is I don't want to show the form and keep something as kind ajax did normally. 

Any help Please


