Cannot log in to Mendix Pro

I installed Mendix Pro on my new laptop running on  windows 11. I cannot log in and hence cannot use the Mendix Pro. Versions I need and installed are 8.18.12 and 9.10.1. On version 8.18.12, login page doesn’t load. On the latest versions, it is loaded but cannot type. Not sure if it is Windows 11 or if it is the Dall Latitude laptop.
3 answers

i know of one person that upgraded to Windows 11, and he got it up and running just fine and is working in MendixStudio Pro versions 8.17.0, 8.18.15 and 9.6.6. So that kind of says that Windows11 is ok for running Studio Pro. Not very helpful though.

Have you tried to first log in to


I logged in to mendix website and clicked edit in mendix pro, my project. Somehow, the log in page was loaded but was unresponsive. I typed invisible letters on user and password fields. And clicked unclickable sign in. Got logged in!


I logged in to mendix website and clicked edit in mendix pro, my project. Somehow, the log in page was loaded but was unresponsive. I typed invisible letters on user and password fields. And clicked unclickable sign in. Got logged in!
