Sort symbol in datagrid2 size issue in Atlas3Extras

Hi everyone,   Can anyone please let me know if there is any auto feature available to show serial number/row number in data grid and list view? I had tried using the attribute type autoNumber but issue is that its values doesn’t alter automatically as and when any object is deleted. Or if any method to reset autoNumber attribute values?   Edit: After using Atlas3extras, I am having issues in the datagrid2 UI of sorting symbol, could anyone help out hoe to configure this.    AS you can say sorting symbol is appearing very large. How to fix this please help.
2 answers

Hi Kirti,

Add below class style in the css file. Then in Mendix go to Appearance tab of the Listview/Datagrid and enter the class name

.listcustom > ul {
	list-style:decimal !important;



Hi Kirti,

Unfortunately there is no auto feature available for this. What you could do is set an integer attribute on your entity.

When a new entity is created make sure you set this number to the previous highest number + 1.

Also set an after delete microflow on this entity. This microflow should retrieve all entities with a number higher than the one deleted and set the number to $number -1.

Hope this helps!  
